The Marriage
The Greek Orthodox Church highlights over the years, the value and importance of the sacred institution of marriage by entering it as one of the seven blessed divine ‘miracles’. The wedding ceremony is full of ritual and symbolism. Each step of the mystery is the name of the Trinity each operation is of particular importance and symbolism.
Let’s look at the symbolism of the ceremony of marriage:
- The table symbolizes the Holy Trinity. About this the Gospel says that Christ himself is present. On the table rings and wreaths. The priest takes them directly from Christ and puts them on the fingers and the head of the intending spouses.
- The placement of the intending spouses’ one next to the other symbolizes the equality of the sexes.
- The candles are symbols of Christian faith in God for the couple.
- The presence of the best man, who switches between the rings and the crowns 3 times, indicates its unconditional acceptance of one another and the spirit of mutual act.
- The union of the hands of spouses by the priest representing the term that their lives are joined in that moment by the same God who blesses and purify.
- The wreaths symbolize the reward of virtue and chastity of the intending spouses. The round shape keeps the existence of evil away from the couple.
- The common chalice. They drink from the same cup of wine blessed 3 times. This process symbolizes that during that time will share all life experiences shared, joys and sorrows.
- The Dance of Isaiah. It is the exact expression. In fact this is not a kind of dance but wander with the priest in the name of the Holy Trinity three times around the temporary altar, which holds the Holy Bible, a symbol of Christ’s presence. During the rotary motion, which symbolizes eternity and the true sequence of Christ, psalm three anthems of which one starts with “Isaiah was dancing …”. The reference to the prophet Isaiah was done because most of the Old Testament prophet who foretold the incarnation of Christ from the Virgin Mary.
- The rice and rose petals, rice to “root” as people say and rose petals to be “strewn with flowers” to their life.
- he sugar-coated, in their white colour symbolizes purity. The round shape represents the new life that begins with the marriage, as from the round shape of an egg is born a new life. The hardness of the sugar-coated suggests the strength and courage of the marriage. The bittersweet taste represents the joys and sorrows of life and the sweet sugar shell is the hope that life will bring them more joy than sorrow!